In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to achieve the light and airy look in Lightroom CC. You can also follow this tutorial with Lightroom mobile, Lightroom Classic CC, or Photoshop’s Camera Raw filter. You’ll first learn how to desaturate colors without making skin tones look washed out. Then you’ll learn how to lighten the shadows without making your image look flat. Finally, you’ll learn how to convert this into a professional Lightroom preset that you can use on all of your photos. There are also 8 Lightroom mobile presets that you can download for free.

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In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create your own surreal nighttime color grading from scratch. With this one simple technique, you can create an unlimited amount of effects. I’ll be using the desktop version of Lightroom CC, but you can also follow along using Lightroom CC for your phone or tablet, Lightroom Classic CC, or Photoshop via the Camera Raw filter.

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So the curves. Why would you use it over other tools? We all know that it can replace a lot of Lightroom adjustments, but it’s harder to use. So why do people like me keep insisting that you use the curves over the much easier sliders? What can you do with curves that you can’t do with other adjustments? You’ll find out in this tutorial.

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There have been huge improvements to Lightroom presets this year. But you can’t experience it because your Lightroom presets are out-of-date. Almost all preset packs, including new ones, are not up-to-date. And the main reason is that nobody knows how to create these new presets. There is a secret tool so hidden, you probably didn’t even know it exists. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to find this hidden tool and how to upgrade your old Lightroom presets.

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Hey guys Denny here. Like most people, you’ve seen the Lightroom profile browser. But what’s the difference between Lightroom profiles and presets? Are they Lightroom presets repackaged in a new look?

I’ve created hundreds of presets over the past 5 years. When Adobe announced profiles, I switched over immediately and started experimenting. Because for the first time, you were not restrained to Lightroom’s develop settings. You could create more dynamic looks with other software and use it in Lightroom.

Lightroom profiles solve the biggest problems with Lightroom presets. They protect your workflow, render super fast… even on a mobile phone, and let you achieve results that were never possible.

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Learn how to replicate a really interesting color grading that is made specifically for nighttime photos. This tutorial is based on a request from one of our viewers who asked how to recreate the look from Tom Blachford’s Nihon Noir project. I really like the look and if you like to shoot nighttime cityscapes, then you have to try this out. By the way for those of you who are new to my channel, if you have any request, just leave a comment below and I’ll take a look at it. Anyways, we’re going to be replicating this look with just the calibration and tone curves. There’s also free Lightroom presets and profiles you can download.

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Here’s a brand new way to make your photos more vibrant in Lightroom. The problem with vibrance is that when you push it too far, the colors will turn weird and unnatural. Most people assume that vibrance is as good as it can get it. But I personally think there’s room for improvement which is why I made for you some new Lightroom profiles that will give you the ability to boost the vibrance further with more natural results. This is the very first time you can do this in Lightroom and if you’re interested, keep reading and I’ll show you how it works.

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Ben Thomas is an Australian photographer and many of his photos are popular for the flat pastel colors that give it this surreal dreamlike feeling. I love the color grading and a lot of people have asked how to reproduce it so in this video, you’ll learn how to edit like Ben Thomas. If you use Photoshop, you can still follow along with the Camera Raw filter (Filter > Camera Raw)

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