A lot of times when you’re taking pictures, your camera cannot capture the full dynamic range leaving you with flaws such as overexposed skies. With HDR photography, you can fix this by taking multiple photos (some darker and some lighter) and then merge them together in Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop’s HDR Merge tools. But HDR merge is very basic and results are very basic as well. Typically you’ll need to do further editing in Lightroom or Photoshop. But what if there’s another tool that will let you create better HDR photos yet is still easy to use. In this video, we’re going to be reviewing Aurora HDR.

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Recently Adobe released a new Photoshop update and in that update, you get an incredibly cool tool that will automatically make a selection of the main subject in your photo. It’s called Select Subject and it uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to find out what the main subject is in your photo – whether it’s a person, animal, food, or pretty much any object.

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A lot of times we take pictures in undesirable weather. And replacing the sky usually means that you have to spend a lot of time masking out the sky. But there’s another way that’s way easier and faster. In this Photoshop tutorial, you’ll learn an incredibly cool trick to replace gray cloudy skies and replace with with a sunny blue sky. It’s fast, easy and you can do it with just a few layers. If you’re interested, keep watching to find out how it’s done.

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Hello and welcome to this episode of Denny’s Tips. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to achieve the cyan and pink cyberpunk look in Adobe Lightroom CC. This retrofuturistic look works amazing for nighttime cityscapes. You’ll first learn how to shift the hue drastically – far beyond what Lightroom allows you to do with the basic HSL settings. Then you’ll learn how to add contrast with the Tone Curve. And finally, you’ll learn an incredibly cool trick that combines two settings to create a diffused glow effect. By the way, you’re not limited to pink and cyan. This technique can be used to create a lot of other combinations. If you’re interested, keep watching and find out how to do it.

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Find out how to achieve the orange and teal look in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. Orange and teal is a popular effect seen on many Instagram posts and movies. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create the blockbuster look from scratch. Afterwards, you’ll learn how to use the free orange and teal LUT to speed up your workflow.

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Learn how to create your own film-like preset in Lightroom! But instead of creating a single specific look, you’ll learn how to achieve common film effects using a step-by-step method. So whether you want something that is natural and subtle or faded and strong, you’ll know how to achieve the look you want. You’ll also learn some tips on how to keep your presets lightweight with minimal impact on Lightroom’s performance and what settings you shouldn’t touch at all. By the end of this video, you’ll know how to create a high-quality preset that you can even sell.

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Learn how to even out the tones and colors of your photos with Adobe Lightroom or Adobe Photoshop’s Camera Raw filter. When your photo has mixed lighting, it feels like you can never get the proper white balance. Or maybe you can’t get the proper exposure without overexposing other areas. In this tutorial, you’ll learn a retouching technique to even out the brightness and white balance in an easy and quick way.

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Highlighted text is a very popular style used in marketing materials especially on social media like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. It’s a simple way to turn boring text into attention-grabbing headlines.

And although these text styles are simple, it takes a lot of steps to create them in Photoshop. For example, if you want to highlight a paragraph of text like this. You have to draw a box for every line of text. You also have to be precise otherwise the results will look messy.

But now with these Photoshop actions, you can easily create this highlighted text in just one click. You can also create a ribbon, pill-shaped button, underline with any color you want, and more. These are the very first Photoshop actions that can do this and it’s such an easy way to make any text look more interesting. If you’re interested, keep watching and I’ll show you how it works.

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